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Controls - Overview

This documentation provides information about the tyoes of controls that Yoast SEO provides.

Global site controls

As a site owner, I want to be able to set the following metadata globally.

Default meta options

og:site_nameThe name of the site for when shared in social platformsstring
twitter:siteThe Twitter handle of the Twitter profile associated with the sitestring
Social profilesAn array of the URLs of social media properties representing the publisherarray
Title separatorThe character used to delimit a page's 'name' and brand components in the title tagchar

Publisher information

Publisher typeWhether the site represents a user or organizationuser or organization
organization.nameThe name of the organization which publishes the site.string
organization.logoAn image representing the organization which publishes the site.string
person.nameThe name (and identity, e.g., a user ID/profile) of the person who publishes the site.string
person.logoAn image representing the person who publishes the site.string

NB: Only values for one of organization or person fields are required, depending on the Publisher type.

Template controls

For each template (and/or content) type, the user should be able to set:

Title patternsThe default pattern which title values should usestring supporting replacement vars
Description patternsThe default pattern which meta description values should usestring supporting replacement vars
Meta robots valuesCrawling/indexing controls which deviate from the defaultsOne or more of index, noindex, follow, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet

Page-level controls

For each page, the user should be able to preview and control their SEO settings via our analysis tools

Misc Tools

Tools must be provided to allow users to manage:

Feature controls

It must be possible to enable/disable the following features (when available):

  • SEO analysis
  • Readability analysis
  • Inclusive language analysis
  • Cornerstone content
  • Text link counter
  • Insights
  • Link suggestions
  • XML sitemaps
  • Admin bar menu
  • Security controls ("no advanced or schema settings for authors")
  • Usage tracking
  • Enhanced Slack sharing
  • IndexNow